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Timely tip: Time blocking might seem like a fairly simple strategy, but it’s not quite as easy to stick to as you might think. If you're thinking about testing out a few productivity hacks, then time blocking is definitely worth your time.

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You can make the blocks of time as long or short as you like, apply it in your personal life as well as professionally, and use it just as well as an individual as in part of a team. The beauty of time blocking is its adaptability. It’s not hard to see why – used by some of the most successful people in the world, including Elon Musk and Bill Gates, time blocking (also known as monotasking or time chunking) allows you to be intentional with the energy you spend on different tasks and protect space for your most important work.

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Of all the different time management and productivity techniques, time blocking is fast becoming one of the most popular.

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